Attorney Support Services

Most any legal matter involves money. Most any financial transaction involves legalities. Partnering for the benefit of our clients just makes good sense.

Like you, I often work with clients who are experiencing difficulties. That is when they most need solid legal and financial advice and guidance. I help people build, and rebuild, their financial futures.

Consider these life events where we may have common professional focus in assisting clients:

  • Marriage - the challenges of blending households, families, finances, and legal responsibilities.
  • Divorce - division of property and assets, tax issues that emerge in the process, financial needs of the parties going forward, the ability to foresee future needs.
  • Post-Divorce - transfer of assets, financial realignments, new legal and financial plans, clients learning new responsibilities.
  • Job Loss - shifting priorities, financial pressures, family responsibilities, reliance on others and how that impacts multiple generations.
  • Business protection - use of pre- or post-nuptial agreements, financial considerations, asset protection, business continuity, financial risk measures.
  • Loss of loved one - transfer of assets, financial adjustments, re-prioritization of needs, modifications of future plans.
  • Estate planning - facing undesirable tasks, planning strategies, maximizing resources, protecting children and future generations.

I provide litigation support, financial consulting, and financial family mediation services cooperatively with attorneys. In addition, I also offer a selection of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) courses covering the financial issues related to these professional services.

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